
A partir de esta secuencia nos proponemos que las y los estudiantes adquieran las herramientas necesarias para la comprensión y producción de discursos escritos y orales en inglés.

Creado: 17 diciembre, 2021 | Actualizado: 16 de abril, 2024


A. Infographic reading

Lectura de Infografía

A. 1. Read and analyze

Leé y analizá

Producción de la DGCyE. Los datos que se enuncian han sido tomados del video “History of Comic Books” (2017, 27 de abril) publicado en el canal La historia de las cosas, recuperado en diciembre de 2021.

What is an infographic?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, an infographic (or information graphic) is “a visual representation of information or data”.

The main characteristics of an infographic are that they are easy to understand and give you a visual aspect of content.

After reading the infographic presented here, what special characteristics regarding the organization of information can you recognize?


A. 2. Complete the chart with relevant information from the infographic “The History of Comics”.
Completá el cuadro con la información que aparece en la infografía “The History of Comics”.



Deslizar en sentido lateral para ver todo el contenido.


Notice that this infographic refers to information about events that have taken place in the past. Past actions are described using past forms of verbs.

These forms can be regular: “Characters appeared on TV” or irregular “Comic books took new shape.”

Regular forms simply add “ed” to the base form of the verb while irregular forms change the base formTherefore: Appear > appearED Take > took

Can you spot any other actions that are expressed in the past in the infographic?

In case you doubt, you can check the past forms of some verbs in dictionaries from the school library or here: ESLBUZZ, accessed in December 2021.*

* Tené en cuenta que el enlace consume datos móviles o requiere de una conexión a Internet.


B. Optative al activity.

Actividad optativa.

B. 1. Watch and listen the following video: “History of Comic Books”*.

* “History of Comic Books” (2017, 27 de abril) publicado en el canal La historia de las cosas, recuperado en diciembre de 2021. Tené en cuenta que el enlace consume datos móviles o requiere de una conexión a Internet.

B. 2. While watching, write down in your folder the words you listen or read from the video.

B. 3. Watch and listen to check the information from the chart in Activity A.2.



A. Think and answer. Check out these definitions to remember what you have already studied in Prácticas del Lenguaje.

Pensá y Contestá. Mirá las definiciones para recordar lo que ya estudiaste en Prácticas del Lenguaje.

We call “comic” to a story that is told using drawings. These stories are usually published in newspapers or as books. Some of these stories center around a major character or characters and have become long established franchises.

You can read several different definitions on:, last access December 2021.*

* Tené en cuenta que el enlace consume datos móviles o requiere de una conexión a Internet.


B. Answer in your folder.

Contestá en tu carpeta.

  1. Do you like comics?
  2. Do you read comics?
  3. Have you heard about any famous comic that has been written by Argentine authors?
  4. If you don't like comics, do you know any comics?

Comic – Comic strip – Comic book – Cartoon strip – Strip – Funnies


C. Read the following text.

Leé el siguiente texto.


In October 2010, National Law 26.652 declared September 4th as Argentine Comic Day.

Even though Caras y Caretas magazine had been published in 1898, legislators chose September 4th in honor of the first edition of “Hora Cero” magazine. The picture shows Héctor Ohesterheld, Hora Cero’s director, holding the first edition of Hora Cero dated September 4th 1957.

The magazine published Hector Oesterheld’s comics. Oesterheld is said to be the founding father of Argentine comics. In Hora Cero, he published Randall the Killer’s western adventures, Ernie Pike’s bitter stories and El Eternauta, a science fiction story with no precedent at the time.

Celebrating Argentine Comic Day means paying tribute to that Golden Age of passion and inspiration.

Héctor Oesterheld holding “Hora Cero” Magazine.

Texto de producción propia. Imagen tomada de Wikimedia Commons.

If you want to read Héctor Oesterheld’s biography you can consult:

* Material optativo. Tené en cuenta que los enlaces consumen datos móviles o requieren de una conexión a Internet.


D.  After you read, answer the questions in your folder.

Luego de la lectura, contestá las preguntas en tu carpeta.

  1. When is Argentine Comic Day in Argentina? It´s on…
  2. Why did legislators choose that day? They chose that day because…
  3. What does National Comic Day mean for our culture? It means…
  4. Find in the text three sentences which describe actions that took place in the past.

Underline the verb that describes the action and decide if the verb you found has a regular or irregular past.

*Refer back to the toolkit in activity 1.

For example:


E. Read the following article.

Leé el siguiente artículo.

Did you know?

In 2012, Buenos Aires city inaugurated the Comic Strip Walk in the streets of Buenos Aires. They chose different streets of Buenos Aires city, that had been the scenery of different comic strips, to place sculptures of their protagonists.

The Paseo de la Historieta:

Walking Buenos Aires with the Comics

The Paseo de la Historieta, an entertaining walk through Buenos Aires that includes figures from various comic strips, begins in San Telmo with the famous statue of Mafalda, a character created by Quino, and culminates with a Giraffe by Mordillo, indicating that the Museo del Humor (Museum of Humor) in Puerto Madero is nearby.

On July 20, 2012 the streets of Buenos Aires added a new element to their distinctive je ne sais quoi when a number of comic strip characters, immortalized in magazines and newspapers, came to life in 3-D and began to enliven the street corners in the neighborhoods of San Telmo, Montserrat, and Puerto Madero, leading to the creation of the entertaining Paseo de la Historieta.

It all began on the corner of Defensa Street and Chile, with a little girl in a green dress who has a huge hair bow and some revolutionary ideas: our beloved Mafalda appeared, sitting very comfortably on a bench near the house where she was born. She seemed ready to explain her particular way of seeing the world. As her popularity with locals and tourists grew, other beloved characters began to appear: first Susanita and Manolito showed up to keep her company and then, four years later, several other endearing personalities from Argentine comic strips began guiding us, story after story, to the Museo del Humor in Puerto Madero.

Mafalda, Susanita, and Manolito

Created in September 1964 by the cartoonist Quino, these characters came to stir things up, critiquing the system and the socio-political situation of the time. Mafalda, with her hate of soup and injustice; Susanita, with her dreams of marrying and becoming the perfect mother; and Manolito, with his warehouse and simple-mindedness, made a memorable group of friends.

Henríquez, J. (s/f). The Paseo de la Historieta: Walking Buenos Aires with the Comics. Panorama. Recuperado en diciembre de 2021.

Buenos Aires Comic Strip Walk: Mafalda. Defensa and Chile Streets, San Telmo. Imagen de Beatrice Murch tomada de Wikimedia Commons.


F. Complete the file about “El paseo de la Historieta” with the information from the article.

Completá la ficha sobre “El paseo de la Historieta” con información que encuentres en el artículo.

Tour: “El paseo de la Historieta”

Type of entertainment:


Starting point:

Comic characters:

Characters´ description:





What do others know about comics? Let´s interview!
¿Qué saben los demás sobre las historietas? ¡Entrevistemos!

A. Read this Interview model.

Leé este modelo de entrevista.

Imagen tomada de Freepik.

Interviewer: Hi, Can I ask you a few questions? It’s for my English homework.

Lucy: Certainly!

Interviewer: How old are you?

Lucy: 15.

Interviewer: Do you read comics?

Lucy: Yes! I enjoy them a lot. I love Mafalda and sometimes I read Manga.

Interviewer: Which is your favourite comic?

Lucy: Definitely Mafalda!

Interviewer: Do you read comics online or in newspapers, magazines or books?

Lucy: I usually read online.

Interviewer: Thank you very much for your help!

Lucy: You are welcome!


B. Interview people. Ask classmates, friends, brothers, sisters, teachers these questions and complete with their answers. Check “Language Toolkit”.
Entrevistá gente. Hacele estas preguntas a compañeras, compañeros, amigas, amigos, hermanos, hermanas, profesoras, profesores y completá el cuadro con sus respuestas. Mirá “Language Toolkit”.

Language toolkit:

Check out how the questions were used in the interview above.

  • Questions that are to be answered with “yes - no” start with DO or DOES.

Do you read comics? - Does grandma read comics?

  • Questions that need to be answered with information start with “WH words” such as: What - Where - When - Why - Which - How.

How old are you? - Which is your favourite comic?

  • In writing, question marks are only used at the end of the question.

Check how the questions were used in the interview above.


C. Find at least five people to interview.

Encontrá al menos 5 personas para entrevistar.

Here is a possible format for questions you might want to ask. You can ask your own questions if these areas don’t sound appealing.
Aquí te dejamos un posible formato de preguntas que quizás quieras hacer. Podés formular las preguntas que más te interesen a vos.


Age (of the interviewed) Does he/she read comics online? Does he/she read comics in newspapers, magazines or books? What comics does he/she read?
15 yes - Mafalda - Manga
30 no yes Mafalda - Dragon Ball Z
7 no yes Superman - Hulk


D. Analyze the results of the interviews.

Analizá el resultado de las entrevistas.


E. Write your conclusion.
Escribí tus conclusiones.

Use these introductory sentences to write your conclusion. Check the toolkits.

Usá estas oraciones introductorias para escribir tu conclusión. Tené en cuenta los “toolkits”.

According to the evidence… people /adults/children/teenagers…

In my opinion…

I consider that…

The majority of the people read/ watch/ don't read/ don't watch…

A high/ low percentage of the people read/ watch/ don't read/ don't watch...


To account for the results of your survey, you will need to write in the present tense. You use this tense because your account refers to current actions.

Check out:

The favourite by far IS Mafalda.

Most people READ comics.

For example:

Archivo DGCyE.


F. Portfolio. Prepare a section of your portfolio for “COMICS” including the interviews and your conclusion.

Portfolio. Prepará una sección en tu portfolio para “HISTORIETAS”. Incluí las entrevistas y tu conclusión.


✍ Writing production.

Producción escrita.

Choose ONE option.
Elegí UNA opción.


When writing or organizing your pieces refer to the toolkits to check language forms in your writings.

Option 1: Comic Strip Walk brochure.
Opción 1: Folleto sobre el Paseo de la Historieta.

A. Check the official page for the Comic Strip Walk in Buenos Aires.
Mirá la página oficial del Paseo de la Historieta de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.

Tené en cuenta que este enlace consume datos móviles o requiere de una conexión a Internet. Consultado en diciembre de 2021.

B. Choose one comic represented there.
Elegí una de las historietas representada.

C. Research about it and prepare a brochure.
Investigá sobre ella y prepará un folleto.

Include data as to:
Incluí la siguiente información:

  • Statue: It´s ______________.
  • Location of the statue: The statue is located in _____________.
  • Date of comic publication: It was published in _______________.
  • Author:The author is ________________.
  • Characteristics of the character: The character is __________, _________ and __________.
  • Importance in our culture: It is important because it ________________________.


Option 2: Biography infographic.
Opción 2: Infografía biográfica.

A. Choose the author of one of the comics represented in the Comic Strip Walk and find out about his biography.
Elegí al autor de una de las historietas representadas en el paseo de la Historieta, investigá su biografía.

B. Write an infographic on the biography.
Armá una infografía con los datos biográficos.

Here is an example as to how to organize your research.
Este es un ejemplo para que organices tu investigación.

Archivo DGCyE. Los datos que se enuncian han sido tomados del sitio Quino, consultado en diciembre de 2021.


C. Once you have all the information organized, create an infographic to present it.
Una vez que tenés organizada toda la información, creá una infografía para presentarla.


Option 3: Cartoon Caption Contest
Opción 3: Concurso Leyenda de Historieta

A. Observe the picture and write a caption for it.
Observá la foto y escribí una leyenda.

The Caption can be a dialogue, a phrase or a sentence about the image. It must be creative! Remember what you’ve studied about captions in Prácticas del Lenguaje.

La leyenda puede ser un diálogo, una frase o una oración acerca de la imagen. ¡Debe ser creativa! Recordá la temática que estudiaste en Prácticas del Lenguaje.

Larguirucho, Comic Strip Walk, Balcarce and Mexico Streets, San Telmo. Imagen tomada de Wikimedia Commons.



Remember to consult the toolkits in order to write your captions.

Imagen de portada: Pixabay


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